Art to  Life 

Branding, social media and web site.

Art will once again be part of science, ingenuity and technology.


Yosoy Art


Graphic Design
Web development
Social Media




Blog Web Site

What is Yosoy Art?

The general idea of this project is to contribute a grain of sand to transform the idea of art in our society, understand it and experience it beyond a recreational, entertainment perception or simply an aesthetic question and begin to perceive artistic expression as a fundamental part of the development of human consciousness linking it with science, ingenuity and technology.

We are explorers seeking the experience of matter, discovering emotions and learning from them, we are beings in passing bodies incorporating the information we lack. Art connects us with emotion, with the ability to perceive and manifest that information, it allows us to travel from infinite order to finite order and it makes us remember the reason for our own adventure.


Custom Web Site

Self-managing web design and development, created as an blog maintaining a clean idea where the creativity of the art stands out by itself. Use of technologies such as HTML, CCS3, CMS, etc.

Web Site

Together, we worked hard to develop a unique brand. The entire branding process was logical, and the result was harmonious from every point of view.

We are explorers seeking the experience of matter, discovering emotions and learning from them, we are beings in passing bodies incorporating the information we lack. Art connects us with emotion, with the ability to perceive and manifest that information, it allows us to travel from infinite order to finite order and it makes us remember the reason for our own adventure.


Social Media